Register for Workday at Pennypacker Park
Check in is at 7:30am - breakfast and lunch provided
Click here for the pinned meeting location within Pennypacker Park.
This year’s Workday event will take place at Pennypacker Park in Haddonfield, NJ. Pennypacker Park is a small, unassuming park located in South Jersey with an incredible past. The bones of a Hadrosaurus foulkii dinosaur were excavated from this park in the late 1800’s and became NJ’s state fossil. You can read more about the skeleton in this article on the Rutgers Geology Museum website and you can view the mounted skeleton at Drexel University’s Academy of Natural Sciences. The park is designated as a National Historic Landmark, and we are grateful to be collaborating with the Camden County Parks department to assist in providing essential tree work within the park grounds.
We are in need of volunteers to ensure the success of this fundraising event. The work outlined will require climbers, cranes, grapple saws, bucket trucks, and chippers. This event is a meaningful way to give back to a unique park which is in great need, while supporting the fundraising efforts of our chapter. As we do every year, we also prepare trees for the climbing competition the following June, which will be held at Pennypacker Park. Joining us for this workday is a superior way to network with some of the best arborists in the state, while giving back to a unique and special piece of public land. Sign up now!
December 7, 2024
Pennypacker Park - Haddonfield, NJ
Some 2021 Highlights!

“We are so appreciative of NJAISA’s partnership and their generosity to give to our parks through their membership. We are also thankful to the Garden Club of Englewood’s volunteers, who recently participated in a Treatment Workshop for Fort Lee Historic Park’s renovation and are volunteering on December 4 to greet and host the NJAISA team. The Palisades is a beautiful park system, enjoying 9 million annual visitors across the entire bi-state system. NJAISA’s day of volunteering will provide immeasurable benefit to park visitors, whether they are walkers, hikers, bicyclist, boaters or just coming to the park to sit and enjoy the beautiful vistas. NJAISA’s partnership to give back to the Parks dovetails with the Conservancy’s current work plan to renovate Fort Lee Historic Park and enhance the park’s interpretive experience for visitors.”
-Heather Loebner, Executive Director of Palisades Park Conservancy