New Jersey Arborists Chapter of the International Society of Arbiculture


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SPS The Art and Science behind Basic Tree Risk Assessment


Thursday, December 8

Come join us for an introductory talk by Neil Hendrickson Ph.D. about tree risk assessment. trees are removed for irrational reasons. The ISA’s Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) has provided a systematic approach, including simple principles from engineering and physics, to make tree risk assessment more logical and easy to understand and apply. TRAQ is the industry standard for tree risk assessment, and all green industry professionals can benefit from understanding this systematic approach to qualifying risk including pest and diseases. This talk will discuss and introduce its format and how you can better understand your customers’ needs. The event will provide 1 CEU for ISA, BCMA (Management), LTE/LTCO, NJUCF, and CNLP (Environment) certifications. It will provide 2 CEUs for NJ Pesticide Licenses in the 3A, 6B and 8C categories.